
Our principles

Why did we start Nabrio?

Nabrio was founded on one central idea: to help everyone, now and in the future, live their lives to the fullest. This is an ambitious undertaking, and we believe it is not only possible, but necessary. There are multiple approaches to help achieve this goal, and we chose to pursue it through the advancements in technologies, specifically in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and automation. We believe that this is one of the most effective ways to address many of the concerns that could help us towards our core objective. We realise that, alongside their many possible benefits, these technologies also have a high risk of being exploited in dangerous ways. Hence, we believe it is crucial to be one of the voices that helps steer these technologies more towards the path of altruism.

How can we get to our goals?

Our present and future solutions are designed to make utilising AI, robotics, and automation simpler and more affordable for the majority of people. We think that putting these tools in more people’s hands would help humankind realise its full potential.

Unlock our greater potential

By adopting intelligent automation to carry out routine, risky jobs that humans presently perform, we think society will gain considerably from an increase in productivity. In addition, it would free up the minds of many to focus on addressing more complex issues and find more meaning in other endeavours.

More affordable basic needs

As businesses start integrating more intelligence-driven automation into their workflows, we anticipate the following to occur for consumer goods: less expensive items and services, products and services of greater quality, or a mix of the two. With more affordable, high-quality necessities, we can expect the standard of living to rise as a result. To put it another way, it means assisting the general population in meeting their physiological needs according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Lessen the impact of an ageing population

Some countries are about to face or are currently facing the issue of an ageing population. This could result in decreased production, higher worker wages, a labour shortage, and a general decline in competitiveness. Because of the rising demand for the healthcare system, this could also mean larger financial burdens on the working people, thus reducing living standards for their generation. We believe that automation could increase overall production and alleviate labour shortages in addition to enabling cheaper and higher-quality items, which should lessen the impacts of problems arising from an ageing population.

Help fulfil all our lives

We believe that intelligent automation would give people more opportunities to fulfil other aspects of their lives, like pursuing their dream careers, spending more time with their loved ones, taking better care of themselves, or simply enjoying life. And as a society, we could devote more time and energy to addressing other critical concerns such as climate change, healthcare, inequality, discrimination, and the many other risks facing humanity.


Jobs replacement

Researchers and experts have yet to come to a consensus on whether the shift toward more AI, robotics, and automation will result in more job displacement than creation. On the one hand, based on a 2019 report from Oxford Economics, “How Robots Change the World”, 8.5% of the global workforce could be displaced by 2030. On the other hand, according to the recent World Economic Forum “Future of Jobs Report 2020” the result of the transition by 2025 is expected to create 97 million new jobs and replace 85 million existing ones.

We recognise that what we do can potentially have a negative influence on the lives of those who rely on the tasks we automate. Therefore, we are actively researching how we can best help in mitigating this impact. One possible approach to this could be to retrain the existing workforce so that they are better prepared to take advantage of the transition. With that in mind, we are open and eager to improve our understanding and are committed to helping address this issue.


The economy is anticipated to benefit from a society that is becoming more automated, but if we are not careful, the wealth that is created will likely be distributed unevenly among the population. On a global scale, this could lead to a small number of nations that can quickly adopt new technologies reaping significant benefits and gaining control over others. These are most likely the countries that are currently wealthier and have a more educated workforce.

In order to lessen the effects of inequality brought on by new technologies, we are concentrating on developing solutions that are low in both cost and complexity while also considering biases.


Everybody has biases, which can range from something relatively benign, like preferring a dish over others based on how spicy it is, to something harmful, like selecting a candidate based on their race, name, age, or gender. Biases are inherent in AI and machine learning models because they are developed by people or rely on human-generated data. Without checks or consideration for biases, the growing use of AI models in our daily lives could exacerbate many of the issues we already face today and even lock in some of those biases for the future.

It is impossible to eliminate all our biases or what we introduced to the AI systems, though with care, we can significantly reduce them. Some of the things we can do are acknowledge potential biases, be transparent, constantly test for biases before and after implementation, retrain or redeploy AI systems after a period, and have diverse people, datasets, and mindsets.

Why the principles?

These principles serve as a reminder of how and why we should plan, create, and work on our products and business at Nabrio. This will never be the final version; it is meant to be a “living document”. Since our ideas and values are not permanent and can adapt to change, we do not try to write things in stone when we know they can always be improved upon.


Nabrio has the vision to unlock the potential of humanity by harnessing the power of technology for good.

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